How Big Data can revolutionize social welfare?

Today BigData is changing the way of our thinking. It’s changing the way of living and working. We are leveraging Big Data in our growth so that everyone can contribute and take advantages. The big data analytics makes life easier and more goal centred. Analysing huge amount of data gives us more accurate decision making ability. With these benefits it is also affecting our social life. Our social life can revolutionize after applying the big data analytics. There are many area from which Big Data can revolutionize social welfare. I am listing out some of them with reasons that how it can revolutionize social welfare.
Online life will be safer– Now a days everything went online. Our life is almost dependent on online services. From Shopping to Education, Transaction and many more we used online services. But this method is no more so safe. Others may hack your information and misuse those data. Big data can help us in this problem. By analysing the hacker’s pattern it can improve the security of your website.
Education– Today’s education cost is rising twice than any other sector. So we need to find an alternative of these traditional education system. Big data can help us to provide these study materials online. So that all could have easily access to the education.
Health Care– The most impact of big data on our social life is in healthcare sector. It helps doctors to find the pattern of any disease and on the basis of that pattern medicines for that disease can be invented.
Transport- The advantage of big data is also in transportation. In transportation there are multiple of uses of big data from analysing the traffic to road safety and security purpose. Data scientists can find the behaviour of people on road. By analysing the transportation data the pattern of accidents can be identified and their solutions can be generated.
Career opportunities- There are many websites which help job seekers and employees to find their jobs or employees. Job-seekers find the opportunities according to their skills and employees used to get their best meet on the basis of candidates skills
Business future- To plan the future of our business we need to go for big data analysis. Those business decision will take your business far away from your competitors because those decision will be based on the real experience of your customers.
Weather forecasting- Big data can also help our social welfare in weather forecasting. It will give great benefits to all but specially to farmers because most of time they dependent on weather. So use of big data in this area will revolutionize the whole society welfare.
Big data creates a lot of opportunities for every sectors people just need to catch those opportunities for the development of their own and as well as society. One more great use of big data towards revolutionize social welfare is in anti-poverty programs. Big data helps to create difficult policies for the anti-poverty programs. For these type of applications a large database set is needed and linked to different social data sources to get huge amount of information regarding our social life. Then only we can apply these benefits to revolutionize social welfare.
How Big Data can revolutionize social welfare? How Big Data can revolutionize social welfare? Reviewed by Outsource BigData on 03:53 Rating: 5

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